When equipping our practice we paid extra attention to choosing only the latest technology so we can provide efficient and high-quality care.
This is how our practice became the reference point of the industry-leading American dental chair, furniture and equipment manufacturer, A-dec and the – also industry-leading – dental material manufacturer, Japanese GC.
Most of our treatments are carried out under optical magnification (loupe), which allows us to work with considerably finer detail and more precision.
Furthermore, at the documentation of our treatments we use various modern digital imaging systems, such as the digital X-ray which works with an X-ray dose five times lower than the traditional machines; and oral cameras.
These permit us to keep the patient well informed and precisely track the proceedings of the treatment.
Our dental tool-disinfecting furniture-system (A-dec Infection Control Center), unmatched in Hungary, provides an efficient way to clean our tools and devices and thus prevent cross-infection.
Furthermore, our practice provides softlaser treatments to advance the fast, complication-free regeneration of soft tissues.